
Detroit Red Wings
GP: 59 | W: 35 | L: 22 | OTL: 2 | P: 72
GF: 238 | GA: 199 | PP%: 21.11% | PK%: 78.51%
DG: Mike Senske | Morale : 70 | Moyenne d’équipe : 71
Prochains matchs #611 vs Nashville Predators
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Centre de jeu
Tampa Bay Lightning
25-24-7, 57pts
6 Detroit Red Wings
35-22-2, 72pts
Team Stats
12-11-4Fiche domicile18-8-1
13-13-3Fiche visiteur17-14-1
4-4-2Derniers 10 matchs7-3-0
2.96Buts par match 4.03
3.41Buts contre par match 3.37
16.85%Pourcentage en avantage numérique21.11%
79.10%Pourcentage en désavantage numérique78.51%
Detroit Red Wings
35-22-2, 72pts
0 Buffalo Sabres
8-46-2, 18pts
Team Stats
18-8-1Fiche domicile4-22-2
17-14-1Fiche visiteur4-24-0
7-3-0Derniers 10 matchs3-7-0
4.03Buts par match 2.55
3.37Buts contre par match 4.80
21.11%Pourcentage en avantage numérique13.41%
78.51%Pourcentage en désavantage numérique67.46%
Nashville Predators
32-18-4, 68pts
Jour 117
Detroit Red Wings
35-22-2, 72pts
Statistiques d’équipe
21-5-2Fiche domicile18-8-1
11-13-2Fiche visiteur17-14-1
9-1-010 derniers matchs7-3-0
3.00Buts par match 4.03
2.94Buts contre par match 4.03
15.08%Pourcentage en avantage numérique21.11%
80.54%Pourcentage en désavantage numérique78.51%
Detroit Red Wings
35-22-2, 72pts
Jour 119
Toronto Maple Leafs
30-20-4, 64pts
Statistiques d’équipe
18-8-1Fiche domicile20-7-1
17-14-1Fiche visiteur10-13-3
7-3-010 derniers matchs6-3-1
4.03Buts par match 3.81
3.37Buts contre par match 3.81
21.11%Pourcentage en avantage numérique19.39%
78.51%Pourcentage en désavantage numérique82.07%
New York Islanders
20-24-8, 48pts
Jour 120
Detroit Red Wings
35-22-2, 72pts
Statistiques d’équipe
9-13-6Fiche domicile18-8-1
11-11-2Fiche visiteur17-14-1
3-6-110 derniers matchs7-3-0
3.06Buts par match 4.03
3.44Buts contre par match 4.03
16.20%Pourcentage en avantage numérique21.11%
83.44%Pourcentage en désavantage numérique78.51%
Meneurs d'équipe
Kirill KaprizovButs
Kirill Kaprizov
Leon DraisaitlPasses
Leon Draisaitl
Kirill KaprizovPoints
Kirill Kaprizov
Dmitry KulikovPlus/Moins
Dmitry Kulikov
Stuart SkinnerVictoires
Stuart Skinner
Stuart SkinnerPourcentage d’arrêts
Stuart Skinner

Statistiques d’équipe
Buts pour
4.03 GFG
Tirs pour
27.93 Avg
Pourcentage en avantage numérique
42 GF
Début de zone offensive
Buts contre
3.37 GAA
Tirs contre
27.03 Avg
Pourcentage en désavantage numérique
49 GA
Début de la zone défensive
Informations de l'équipe

Directeur généralMike Senske
EntraîneurSteve Yzerman
DivisionMetropolitan Division
ConférenceEastern Conference
Assistant #1
Assistant #2

Informations de l’aréna

NomLittle Cesars Arena
Billets de saison7,200

Informations de la formation

Équipe Pro21
Équipe Mineure15
Limite contact 36 / 50

Plafond salarial

Cap Salarial de la Saison estimé55,850,000$
Plafond salarial disponible2,150,000$
Valeur du plafond salarial spécial0$
Joueurs Inclus dans le plafond salarial20


Revenu annuel à ce jour31,628,690$
Dépenses annuelles à ce jour37,463,944$
Revenus de la saison estimés14,057,196$
Dépenses de la saison estimées17,995,320$
Compte bancaire actuel49,247,889$
Compte bancaire projeté44,658,345$

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du joueur C L R D CON CK FG DI SK ST EN DU PH FO PA SC DF PS EX LD PO MO OV TA SPÂgeContratSalaire
1Nathan MacKinnonX100.006558809971929688729388696671780557902916,000,000$
2Leon DraisaitlXX100.006761669675879483848684717270750837702916,000,000$
3Kirill KaprizovXX100.006658779771898984508288647265720837502736,000,000$
4Brady TkachukX100.008866678581849383687582636764690847302523,000,000$
5Frank VatranoXX100.007764548470839483506881695171740787203045,000,000$
6Mikael GranlundXX100.006758768665888484728365745676780837203214,000,000$
7Andrei SvechnikovXX100.008062558170807681507975646661660837002424,000,000$
8Patrick KaneXX100.005556858062837183507879609280800837003632,000,000$
9Dakota JoshuaXX100.00886676717475777860667377516871083690281500,000$
10Mason AppletonXX100.007256847270789381506865765169710836902912,000,000$
11Vladislav NamestnikovXX100.00705985736475897953706274507373083680322500,000$
12Kiefer SherwoodX100.00856580706970807754676267507069039660291500,000$
13Esa LindellX100.007057916378779568506551885674780837103044,000,000$
14Zach WerenskiX100.006059837778848679508463745668730837102723,000,000$
15Erik KarlssonX100.006260737967839679508061695880800557003422,000,000$
16Dmitry KulikovX100.00786075647270886950655075557978083680343500,000$
17Shayne GostisbehereX100.005857898264749377508160665674760836803111,500,000$
18Alec MartinezX100.00645793677574746850645376568683046670373700,000$
1Michael RasmussenXXX81.097762727180768780616765765163670726802541,500,000$
Équipe Mineure
1Corey PerryX100.00686876717573717650646960518781064660391500,000$
2Jaden SchwartzX100.00655780766579777871686860517674064660321500,000$
3Aliaksei ProtasX100.00635694688273897253695469505862064640243500,000$
4Michael EyssimontX100.00766573717270907450636163546867064640281500,000$
5Cody GlassX100.006759756874736471626362615063630646202531,000,000$
6Ryan ReavesX100.00877385668162666750575459508980064610382500,000$
7Sammy BlaisX100.00876084657465696350615060506765064600283500,000$
8Nicklas BackstromX100.00505686577256535073505050528478064530372750,000$
9Olli MaattaX100.00675789627469856750625073557373048650304500,000$
10Kyle BurroughsX100.00846863636975876350555064557069056640291500,000$
11Nick BlankenburgX100.00565690576152555050505052566567064530263500,000$
12Ross ColtonXX100.007660747369739079726868625169690546702811,250,000$
13Warren FoegeleXX100.007160817173749277506770685168690186702811,000,000$
MOYENNE D’ÉQUIPE99.4171617874727683755669646757727306867
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du gardien CON SK DU EN SZ AG RB SC HS RT PH PS EX LD PO MO OV TA SPÂgeContratSalaire
1Stuart Skinner100.0084898782828883838380746369084790261500,000$
2Andrei Vasilevskiy99.00808683808482818382708572740847803042,750,000$
Équipe Mineure
1Justus Annunen100.0075677178736362706771506165078670243500,000$
2Mads Sogaard100.0050636077505050505050505858078540243500,000$
MOYENNE D’ÉQUIPE99.757276757972716972716865646708170
Nom de l’entraîneur PH DF OF PD EX LD PO CNT Âge Contrat Salaire
Steve Yzerman9980808071751CAN596500,000$

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
1Kirill KaprizovDetroit Red WingsLW/RW59344579154042672055515316.59%6109118.506131937180000005039.19%7400011.4513000747
2Leon DraisaitlDetroit Red WingsC/RW5927497621180611391985015313.64%6113419.2371623371800001435254.82%133700001.3413000441
3Nathan MacKinnonDetroit Red WingsC5633316410120721572026513416.34%10121321.6858133117010151504348.64%154200121.0504000552
4Mikael GranlundDetroit Red WingsC/RW59163551186040120122277913.11%793115.79661224135000442052.83%74200001.1000000213
5Brady TkachukDetroit Red WingsLW5920254512495113731274110315.75%590415.34358161280001211156.92%6500000.9902100245
6Zach WerenskiDetroit Red WingsD597354210440874370164410.00%65130722.16371040174000031320%000000.6400000130
7Patrick KaneDetroit Red WingsLW/RW591824422140740110308316.36%481813.8736917140000004240.82%4900011.0311000144
8Frank VatranoDetroit Red WingsLW/RW5916254110561011349107347014.95%688515.0114517149000002036.84%3800000.9312010403
9Andrei SvechnikovDetroit Red WingsLW/RW59182240122406842131347713.74%892415.673811291370000332038.30%4700000.8711000410
10Shayne GostisbehereDetroit Red WingsD598253321100224837161921.62%44113519.2434724160000088000%000000.5800000140
11Erik KarlssonDetroit Red WingsD54720270280686047133114.89%58121822.565611291320000128300%000000.4400000020
12Esa LindellDetroit Red WingsD5972027135001364334112120.59%62124121.04000000001155110%000000.4300000003
13Dakota JoshuaDetroit Red WingsLW/RW591292163010995079215815.19%1880113.5800011001162131145.74%9400000.5200002102
14Michael RasmussenDetroit Red WingsC/LW/RW561011217140439375194813.33%980014.290000010132032044.65%104600000.5200000200
15Olli MaattaGriffins (DET)D4041418214035221451328.57%4470317.58000000001116000%000000.5100000111
16Vladislav NamestnikovDetroit Red WingsC/RW594131738012496011296.67%35749.730000200051060042.33%57400000.5900000110
17Mason AppletonDetroit Red WingsLW/RW598614-540165070285111.43%663710.800000000031130038.71%3100000.4400000001
18Dmitry KulikovDetroit Red WingsD590101024740145342013100%77100116.98000140000155000%000000.2000000000
19Alec MartinezDetroit Red WingsD351789120242215386.67%3356116.0400024000063000%000000.2800000000
20Kiefer SherwoodDetroit Red WingsLW47415-910053313472611.76%23868.23000030000100041.18%1700000.2600000000
21Warren FoegeleGriffins (DET)LW/RW7101-3202381612.50%0639.0900000000001016.67%600000.3100000000
Statistiques d’équipe totales ou en moyenne112125542768219747325125812351765500121614.45%4731833516.3645831283051718213301642361248.85%566200140.74516112363432
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
# Nom du gardien Nom de l’équipeGP W L OTL PCT GAA MP PIM SO GA SA SAR A EG PS % PSA ST BG S1 S2 S3
1Stuart SkinnerDetroit Red Wings42261310.8783.1724250112810510000.700104019003
2Andrei VasilevskiyDetroit Red Wings219910.8693.76113341715440201.00051940010
Statistiques d’équipe totales ou en moyenne63352220.8753.363558421991595020155959013

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
Nom du joueur Nom de l’équipePOS Âge Date de naissance Pays Recrue Poids Taille Non-échange Disponible pour échange Acquis Par Date de la Dernière Transaction Ballotage forcé Waiver Possible Contrat Date du Signature du Contrat Forcer UFA Rappel d'urgence Type Salaire actuel Plafond salarial Plafond salarial restant Exclus du plafond salarial Salaire année 2Salaire année 3Salaire année 4Salaire année 5Salaire année 6Salaire année 7Salaire année 8Salaire année 9Salaire année 10Plafond salarial année 2Plafond salarial année 3Plafond salarial année 4Plafond salarial année 5Plafond salarial année 6Plafond salarial année 7Plafond salarial année 8Plafond salarial année 9Plafond salarial année 10Non-échange année 2Non-échange année 3Non-échange année 4Non-échange année 5Non-échange année 6Non-échange année 7Non-échange année 8Non-échange année 9Non-échange année 10Lien
Alec MartinezDetroit Red WingsD371987-07-26USANo210 Lbs6 ft1NoNoTrade2025-01-12NoYes32024-08-21FalseFalsePro & Farm700,000$700,000$229,240$No700,000$700,000$-------700,000$700,000$-------NoNo-------Lien NHL
Andrei SvechnikovDetroit Red WingsLW/RW242000-03-26RUSNo195 Lbs6 ft2NoNoN/ANoNo2FalseFalsePro & Farm4,000,000$4,000,000$1,309,942$No4,000,000$--------4,000,000$--------No--------Lien NHL
Andrei VasilevskiyDetroit Red WingsG301994-07-25RUSNo220 Lbs6 ft4NoNoN/ANoNo42024-08-25FalseFalsePro & Farm2,750,000$2,750,000$900,585$No2,750,000$2,750,000$2,750,000$------2,750,000$2,750,000$2,750,000$------NoNoNo------Lien NHL
Brady TkachukDetroit Red WingsLW251999-09-16USANo225 Lbs6 ft4NoNoN/ANoNo2FalseFalsePro & Farm3,000,000$3,000,000$982,456$No3,000,000$--------3,000,000$--------No--------Lien NHL
Dakota JoshuaDetroit Red WingsLW/RW281996-05-15USANo206 Lbs6 ft3NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm500,000$500,000$163,743$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Dmitry KulikovDetroit Red WingsD341990-10-29RUSNo201 Lbs6 ft1NoNoAssign ManuallyNoNo32024-08-23FalseFalsePro & Farm500,000$500,000$163,743$No500,000$500,000$-------500,000$500,000$-------NoNo-------Lien NHL
Erik KarlssonDetroit Red WingsD341990-05-31SWENo190 Lbs6 ft0NoNoTrade2024-12-27NoNo2FalseFalsePro & Farm2,000,000$2,000,000$654,971$No2,000,000$--------2,000,000$--------No--------Lien NHL
Esa LindellDetroit Red WingsD301994-05-23FINNo216 Lbs6 ft3NoNoN/ANoNo42024-08-25FalseFalsePro & Farm4,000,000$4,000,000$1,309,942$No4,000,000$4,000,000$4,000,000$------4,000,000$4,000,000$4,000,000$------NoNoNo------Lien NHL
Frank VatranoDetroit Red WingsLW/RW301994-03-14USANo197 Lbs5 ft11NoNoN/ANoNo42024-08-25FalseFalsePro & Farm5,000,000$5,000,000$1,637,427$No5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$------5,000,000$5,000,000$5,000,000$------NoNoNo------Lien NHL
Kiefer SherwoodDetroit Red WingsLW291995-03-31USANo194 Lbs6 ft0NoNoTrade2025-01-11NoYes12024-08-21FalseFalsePro & Farm500,000$500,000$163,743$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Kirill KaprizovDetroit Red WingsLW/RW271997-04-26RUSNo202 Lbs5 ft10NoNoN/ANoNo3FalseFalsePro & Farm6,000,000$6,000,000$1,964,912$No6,000,000$6,000,000$-------6,000,000$6,000,000$-------NoNo-------Lien NHL
Leon DraisaitlDetroit Red WingsC/RW291995-10-27DEUNo209 Lbs6 ft2NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm6,000,000$6,000,000$1,964,912$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Mason AppletonDetroit Red WingsLW/RW291996-01-15USANo194 Lbs6 ft2NoNoN/ANoNo12024-08-25FalseFalsePro & Farm2,000,000$2,000,000$654,971$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Michael Rasmussen (sur la masse salariale)Detroit Red WingsC/LW/RW251999-04-17CANNo220 Lbs6 ft6NoNoN/ANoNo42024-08-25FalseFalsePro & Farm1,500,000$1,500,000$491,228$No1,500,000$1,500,000$1,500,000$------1,500,000$1,500,000$1,500,000$------NoNoNo------Lien NHL
Mikael GranlundDetroit Red WingsC/RW321992-02-26FINNo185 Lbs5 ft10NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm4,000,000$4,000,000$1,309,942$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Nathan MacKinnonDetroit Red WingsC291995-09-01CANNo200 Lbs6 ft0NoNoTrade2025-01-07NoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm6,000,000$6,000,000$1,964,912$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Patrick KaneDetroit Red WingsLW/RW361988-04-23USANo234 Lbs6 ft3NoNoAssign ManuallyNoNo32024-08-21FalseFalsePro & Farm2,000,000$2,000,000$654,971$No2,000,000$2,000,000$-------2,000,000$2,000,000$-------NoNo-------Lien NHL
Shayne GostisbehereDetroit Red WingsD311993-04-20USANo183 Lbs5 ft11NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm1,500,000$1,500,000$491,228$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Stuart SkinnerDetroit Red WingsG261998-11-01CANNo230 Lbs6 ft4NoNoN/ANoNo1FalseFalsePro & Farm500,000$500,000$163,743$No---------------------------Lien NHL
Vladislav NamestnikovDetroit Red WingsC/RW321992-11-22RUSNo181 Lbs6 ft0NoNoN/ANoNo2FalseFalsePro & Farm500,000$500,000$163,743$No500,000$--------500,000$--------No--------Lien NHL
Zach WerenskiDetroit Red WingsD271997-07-19USANo219 Lbs6 ft2NoNoN/ANoNo2FalseFalsePro & Farm3,000,000$3,000,000$982,456$No3,000,000$--------3,000,000$--------No--------Lien NHL
Nombre de joueursÂge moyenPoids moyenTaille moyenneContrat moyenSalaire moyen 1e année
2129.71205 Lbs6 ft12.192,664,286$

Somme salaire 1e année Somme salaire 2e année Somme salaire 3e année Somme salaire 4e année Somme salaire 5e année

Attaque à 5 contre 5
Ligne #Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit% tempsPHYDFOF
1Kirill KaprizovNathan MacKinnonLeon Draisaitl35005
2Brady TkachukMikael GranlundAndrei Svechnikov30005
3Patrick KaneVladislav NamestnikovFrank Vatrano25005
4Kiefer SherwoodDakota JoshuaMason Appleton10500
Défense à 5 contre 5
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Esa LindellZach Werenski40131
2Dmitry KulikovShayne Gostisbehere30131
3Alec MartinezErik Karlsson20131
4Alec MartinezErik Karlsson10131
Attaque en avantage numérique
Ligne #Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit% tempsPHYDFOF
1Nathan MacKinnonLeon DraisaitlKirill Kaprizov80005
2Andrei SvechnikovMikael GranlundPatrick Kane20005
Défense en avantage numérique
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Frank VatranoZach Werenski80005
2Shayne GostisbehereErik Karlsson20005
Attaque à 4 en désavantage numérique
Ligne #CentreAilier% tempsPHYDFOF
1Vladislav NamestnikovDakota Joshua60140
2Brady TkachukMason Appleton40140
Défense à 4 en désavantage numérique
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Esa LindellAlec Martinez75050
2Shayne GostisbehereDmitry Kulikov25050
3 joueurs en désavantage numérique
Ligne #Ailier% tempsPHYDFOFDéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Dakota Joshua60050Esa LindellAlec Martinez60140
2Leon Draisaitl40050Shayne GostisbehereDmitry Kulikov40140
Attaque à 4 contre 4
Ligne #CentreAilier% tempsPHYDFOF
1Leon DraisaitlKirill Kaprizov60014
2Nathan MacKinnonMikael Granlund40014
Défense à 4 contre 4
Ligne #DéfenseDéfense% tempsPHYDFOF
1Esa LindellZach Werenski60131
2Shayne GostisbehereErik Karlsson40131
Attaque dernière minute
Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droitDéfenseDéfense
Brady TkachukLeon DraisaitlKirill KaprizovEsa LindellZach Werenski
Défense dernière minute
Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droitDéfenseDéfense
Mason AppletonLeon DraisaitlDakota JoshuaEsa LindellDmitry Kulikov
Attaquants supplémentaires
Normal Avantage numériqueDésavantage numérique
Dakota Joshua, Patrick Kane, Frank VatranoDakota Joshua, Vladislav NamestnikovLeon Draisaitl
Défenseurs supplémentaires
Normal Avantage numériqueDésavantage numérique
Dmitry Kulikov, Erik Karlsson, Alec MartinezErik KarlssonZach Werenski, Shayne Gostisbehere
Tirs de pénalité
Patrick Kane, Leon Draisaitl, Kirill Kaprizov, Nathan MacKinnon, Andrei Svechnikov
#1 : Andrei Vasilevskiy, #2 : Stuart Skinner
Lignes d’attaque personnalisées en prolongation
Leon Draisaitl, Kirill Kaprizov, Nathan MacKinnon, Frank Vatrano, Brady Tkachuk, Mikael Granlund, Mikael Granlund, Andrei Svechnikov, Patrick Kane, Mason Appleton, Dakota Joshua
Lignes de défense personnalisées en prolongation
Erik Karlsson, Zach Werenski, Esa Lindell, Dmitry Kulikov, Shayne Gostisbehere

Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
1Anaheim Ducks11000000725110000007250000000000021.0007121900223036158130274624200.00%30100.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%2216246126
2Boston Bruins3120000013130110000007432020000069-320.3331322350038209726393207718247315320.00%12375.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%765568213417
3Buffalo Sabres43000100208121100000052332000100156970.87520335301983011039403019827306914535.71%12191.67%1916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%996992284926
4Calgary Flames30300000616-101010000005-520200000611-500.00061117001410732023300903141635120.00%18761.11%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%644378213616
5Chicago Blackhawks10001000431000000000001000100043121.0004711002101341599133214164250.00%6183.33%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%2215257125
6Colorado Avalanche20100100610-41000010045-11010000025-310.2506111700420062202022057212050700.00%10370.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%493447142513
7Dallas Stars211000001082110000006241010000046-220.5001017270025305515172304414144910220.00%7271.43%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%503646142210
8Edmonton Oilers312000001213-1211000007701010000056-120.333122234007230100313831010526307114321.43%14564.29%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%684774213719
9Hartford Whalers64100010261973210000010733200001016124100.83326467200118611534750529183556511021419.05%28582.14%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%14098150427436
10Minnesota Wild1010000001-1000000000001010000001-100.000000000000217590239413000%20100.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%2116276104
11Montreal Canadiens330000001961311000000633220000001331061.0001933520093709538263107721167116743.75%70100.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%775566193618
12New York Islanders53101000191182010100055033000000146880.80019335200765115145545111243336941800.00%16475.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%12086117346131
13New York Rangers63200010302643210000016160311000101410480.66730548400991141815357699171395113918527.78%23482.61%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%14298146437636
14Ottawa Senators20101000550000000000002010100055020.5005101500220148211115148201245400.00%60100.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%463248152511
15Quebec Nordiques412000101520-52110000059-4201000101011-140.50015243900554194273332510537498115426.67%18383.33%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%9061104294923
16Seattle Kraken21100000761110000004131010000035-220.500714210020505217142105692649400.00%12650.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%443051142312
17Tampa Bay Lightning6310200024131132001000157831101000963100.8332442660185921394444492139474510614321.43%170100.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%13494152437738
18Toronto Maple Leafs2110000069-32110000069-30000000000020.5006121800132072123426056128475120.00%4250.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%503846132211
19Utah Hockey Club1010000024-21010000024-20000000000000.000224000110204790261012186116.67%6350.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%2416237126
20Vancouver Canucks21100000761110000004221010000034-120.50071118002320552120140561914487114.29%70100.00%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%473248132411
_Since Last GM Reset5927220523023819939271680210010990193211140313012910920720.6102384166540286776711164851754956829159545451712361994221.11%2284978.51%1916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%13949801443420725359
_Vs Conference4122110413017713047181150200075621323116021301026834590.720177309486026457491011403523883872810783093368351403222.86%1432284.62%1916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%978689995292506251
_Vs Division2313503020996930116302000463511127201020533419360.7839917527401352831862418920522121617174197449711216.90%841384.52%0916186849.04%933191348.77%48995451.26%537377567164288142

Total pour les joueurs
Matchs jouésPointsSéquenceButsPassesPointsTirs pourTirs contreTirs bloquésMinutes de pénalitésMises en échecButs en filet désertBlanchissages
Tous les matchs
Matchs locaux
Matchs extérieurs
Derniers 10 matchs
Tentatives en avantage numériqueButs en avantage numérique% en avantage numériqueTentatives en désavantage numériqueButs contre en désavantage numérique% en désavantage numériqueButs pour en désavantage numérique
Tirs en 1e périodeTirs en 2e périodeTirs en 3e périodeTirs en 4e périodeButs en 1e périodeButs en 2e périodeButs en 3e périodeButs en 4e période
Mises en jeu
Gagnées en zone offensiveTotal en zone offensive% gagnées en zone offensive Gagnées en zone défensiveTotal en zone défensive% gagnées en zone défensiveGagnées en zone neutreTotal en zone neutre% gagnées en zone neutre
Temps avec la rondelle
En zone offensiveContrôle en zone offensiveEn zone défensiveContrôle en zone défensiveEn zone neutreContrôle en zone neutre

Derniers matchs joués
Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
JourMatch Équipe visiteuse Score Équipe locale Score ST OT SO RI Lien
13New York Rangers5Detroit Red Wings6WSommaire du match
316Detroit Red Wings7New York Islanders2WSommaire du match
526New York Islanders4Detroit Red Wings5WXSommaire du match
633Detroit Red Wings3Buffalo Sabres4LXSommaire du match
847Detroit Red Wings5Hartford Whalers4WXXSommaire du match
1158Tampa Bay Lightning3Detroit Red Wings4WXSommaire du match
1268Detroit Red Wings4New York Rangers6LSommaire du match
1475Buffalo Sabres2Detroit Red Wings5WSommaire du match
1788Detroit Red Wings1Tampa Bay Lightning3LSommaire du match
1999Detroit Red Wings4New York Islanders2WSommaire du match
21106Hartford Whalers2Detroit Red Wings5WSommaire du match
23119Detroit Red Wings4Hartford Whalers3WSommaire du match
25126Detroit Red Wings4Ottawa Senators3WXSommaire du match
26130New York Rangers7Detroit Red Wings9WSommaire du match
30147Hartford Whalers2Detroit Red Wings3WSommaire du match
32159Detroit Red Wings3Calgary Flames5LSommaire du match
34170Montreal Canadiens3Detroit Red Wings6WSommaire du match
36176Detroit Red Wings2Colorado Avalanche5LSommaire du match
37187Detroit Red Wings3New York Islanders2WSommaire du match
39196New York Rangers4Detroit Red Wings1LSommaire du match
41210Detroit Red Wings1Ottawa Senators2LSommaire du match
43216Colorado Avalanche5Detroit Red Wings4LXSommaire du match
46234Quebec Nordiques6Detroit Red Wings1LSommaire du match
48243Detroit Red Wings7Hartford Whalers5WSommaire du match
49255Edmonton Oilers2Detroit Red Wings4WSommaire du match
52266Detroit Red Wings3Quebec Nordiques5LSommaire du match
53276Detroit Red Wings3Boston Bruins5LSommaire du match
55281New York Islanders1Detroit Red Wings0LSommaire du match
57294Detroit Red Wings3Vancouver Canucks4LSommaire du match
59302Anaheim Ducks2Detroit Red Wings7WSommaire du match
61318Detroit Red Wings4New York Rangers3WXXSommaire du match
62324Calgary Flames5Detroit Red Wings0LSommaire du match
65340Detroit Red Wings6New York Rangers1WSommaire du match
66348Toronto Maple Leafs8Detroit Red Wings4LSommaire du match
69361Detroit Red Wings4Dallas Stars6LSommaire du match
70369Vancouver Canucks2Detroit Red Wings4WSommaire du match
73382Detroit Red Wings5Edmonton Oilers6LSommaire du match
75389Detroit Red Wings4Chicago Blackhawks3WXSommaire du match
76394Tampa Bay Lightning3Detroit Red Wings5WSommaire du match
79409Detroit Red Wings3Calgary Flames6LSommaire du match
80415Dallas Stars2Detroit Red Wings6WSommaire du match
83429Detroit Red Wings4Tampa Bay Lightning0WSommaire du match
84436Utah Hockey Club4Detroit Red Wings2LSommaire du match
87455Detroit Red Wings3Seattle Kraken5LSommaire du match
88458Detroit Red Wings9Montreal Canadiens1WSommaire du match
89463Hartford Whalers3Detroit Red Wings2LSommaire du match
92480Toronto Maple Leafs1Detroit Red Wings2WSommaire du match
94489Detroit Red Wings7Quebec Nordiques6WXXSommaire du match
96500Detroit Red Wings4Montreal Canadiens2WSommaire du match
97504Edmonton Oilers5Detroit Red Wings3LSommaire du match
100522Detroit Red Wings7Buffalo Sabres2WSommaire du match
101527Boston Bruins4Detroit Red Wings7WSommaire du match
103543Detroit Red Wings0Minnesota Wild1LSommaire du match
104547Quebec Nordiques3Detroit Red Wings4WSommaire du match
107558Detroit Red Wings4Tampa Bay Lightning3WXSommaire du match
109568Seattle Kraken1Detroit Red Wings4WSommaire du match
111581Detroit Red Wings3Boston Bruins4LSommaire du match
112589Tampa Bay Lightning1Detroit Red Wings6WSommaire du match
115602Detroit Red Wings5Buffalo Sabres0WSommaire du match
117611Nashville Predators-Detroit Red Wings-
119620Detroit Red Wings-Toronto Maple Leafs-
120629New York Islanders-Detroit Red Wings-
123644Detroit Red Wings-Nashville Predators-
125653Chicago Blackhawks-Detroit Red Wings-
126661Detroit Red Wings-Utah Hockey Club-
129675Montreal Canadiens-Detroit Red Wings-
134696Ottawa Senators-Detroit Red Wings-
136703Detroit Red Wings-Anaheim Ducks-
Date limite d’échanges --- Les échanges ne peuvent plus se faire après la simulation de cette journée!
139719Nashville Predators-Detroit Red Wings-
143738Buffalo Sabres-Detroit Red Wings-
145747Detroit Red Wings-New York Islanders-
148761Ottawa Senators-Detroit Red Wings-
150771Detroit Red Wings-Toronto Maple Leafs-
152783Boston Bruins-Detroit Red Wings-
156803Minnesota Wild-Detroit Red Wings-
161822Buffalo Sabres-Detroit Red Wings-
169837Boston Bruins-Detroit Red Wings-

Capacité de l’aréna - Tendance du prix des billets - %
Niveau 1Niveau 2Niveau 3Niveau 4Luxe
Prix des billets100603525200
Attendance PCT94.79%94.64%96.21%95.79%77.81%

Matchs à domicile restantsAssistance moyenne - %Revenu moyen par matchRevenu annuel à ce jourCapacitéPopularité de l’équipe
12 16953 - 94.19% 1,171,433$31,628,690$18000100

Dépenses annuelles à ce jourSalaire total des joueursPlafond Salariale total des joueursSalaire des entraineursValeur du plafond salarial spécial
37,463,944$ 54,450,000$ 54,450,000$ 500,000$0$ 0$
Plafond salarial par jourPlafond salarial à ce jourTaxe de luxe totaleJoueurs Inclus dans le plafond salarialJoueurs exclut du plafond Salarial
54,450,000$ 37,123,773$ 0$ 20 1

Revenus de la saison estimésJours restants de la saisonDépenses par jourDépenses de la saison estimées
14,057,196$ 56 321,345$ 17,995,320$

Total de l’équipe estimé
Dépenses de la saison estimées Compte bancaire actuel Compte bancaire projeté
18,646,740$ 49,247,889$ 44,658,345$
Cap Salarial de la Saison estiméPlafond salarial disponiblePlafond salarial maximumAu dessus du plancher salarial
55,850,000$ 2,150,000$ 58,000,000$ 55,850,000$

Charte de profondeur

Ailier gaucheCentreAilier droit
Kirill KaprizovAGE:27PO:0OV:75
Brady TkachukAGE:25PO:0OV:73
Frank VatranoAGE:30PO:0OV:72
Andrei SvechnikovAGE:24PO:0OV:70
Patrick KaneAGE:36PO:0OV:70
Dakota JoshuaAGE:28PO:0OV:69
Mason AppletonAGE:29PO:0OV:69
Michael RasmussenAGE:25PO:0OV:68
Ross ColtonAGE:28PO:0OV:67
Warren FoegeleAGE:28PO:0OV:67
Kiefer SherwoodAGE:29PO:0OV:66
Sammy BlaisAGE:28PO:0OV:60
Nathan MacKinnonAGE:29PO:0OV:79
Leon DraisaitlAGE:29PO:0OV:77
Mikael GranlundAGE:32PO:0OV:72
Michael RasmussenAGE:25PO:0OV:68
Vladislav NamestnikovAGE:32PO:0OV:68
Ross ColtonAGE:28PO:0OV:67
Jaden SchwartzAGE:32PO:0OV:66
Aliaksei ProtasAGE:24PO:0OV:64
Michael EyssimontAGE:28PO:0OV:64
Cody GlassAGE:25PO:0OV:62
Nicklas BackstromAGE:37PO:0OV:53
Leon DraisaitlAGE:29PO:0OV:77
Kirill KaprizovAGE:27PO:0OV:75
Frank VatranoAGE:30PO:0OV:72
Mikael GranlundAGE:32PO:0OV:72
Andrei SvechnikovAGE:24PO:0OV:70
Patrick KaneAGE:36PO:0OV:70
Dakota JoshuaAGE:28PO:0OV:69
Mason AppletonAGE:29PO:0OV:69
Michael RasmussenAGE:25PO:0OV:68
Vladislav NamestnikovAGE:32PO:0OV:68
Warren FoegeleAGE:28PO:0OV:67
Corey PerryAGE:39PO:0OV:66
Ryan ReavesAGE:38PO:0OV:61

Défense #1Défense #2Gardien
Esa LindellAGE:30PO:0OV:71
Zach WerenskiAGE:27PO:0OV:71
Erik KarlssonAGE:34PO:0OV:70
Dmitry KulikovAGE:34PO:0OV:68
Shayne GostisbehereAGE:31PO:0OV:68
Alec MartinezAGE:37PO:0OV:67
Olli MaattaAGE:30PO:0OV:65
Kyle BurroughsAGE:29PO:0OV:64
Nick BlankenburgAGE:26PO:0OV:53
Stuart SkinnerAGE:26PO:0OV:79
Andrei VasilevskiyAGE:30PO:0OV:78
Justus AnnunenAGE:24PO:0OV:67
Mads SogaardAGE:24PO:0OV:54


Astuces sur les filtres (anglais seulement)
1| or  OR Logical "or" (Vertical bar). Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the bar
2 &&  or  AND Logical "and". Filter the column for content that matches text from either side of the operator.
3/\d/Add any regex to the query to use in the query ("mig" flags can be included /\w/mig)
4< <= >= >Find alphabetical or numerical values less than or greater than or equal to the filtered query
5! or !=Not operator, or not exactly match. Filter the column with content that do not match the query. Include an equal (=), single (') or double quote (") to exactly not match a filter.
6" or =To exactly match the search query, add a quote, apostrophe or equal sign to the beginning and/or end of the query
7 -  or  to Find a range of values. Make sure there is a space before and after the dash (or the word "to")
8?Wildcard for a single, non-space character.
8*Wildcard for zero or more non-space characters.
9~Perform a fuzzy search (matches sequential characters) by adding a tilde to the beginning of the query
10textAny text entered in the filter will match text found within the column
EspoirNom de l’équipeAnnée de repêchageChoix totalInformationDate de la Dernière TransactionLien
Tanner LudtkeDetroit Red Wings00
Adam GajanDetroit Red Wings00
Amadeus LombardiDetroit Red Wings00
Brady ClevelandDetroit Red Wings00
Carey TerranceDetroit Red Wings00
Carter MazurDetroit Red Wings00
Corson CeulemansDetroit Red Wings00
Coulson PitreDetroit Red Wings00
Cross HanasDetroit Red Wings00
David SpacekDetroit Red Wings00
Dmitri BuchelnikovDetroit Red Wings00
Donovan SebrangoDetroit Red Wings00
Elmer SoderblomDetroit Red Wings00
Filip MesarDetroit Red Wings00
Koehn ZimmerDetroit Red Wings00
Mason BeaupitDetroit Red Wings00
Matt LuffDetroit Red Wings00
Max ComtoisDetroit Red Wings00
Niklas KokkoDetroit Red Wings00
Olof GliffordDetroit Red Wings00
Rasmus AsplundDetroit Red Wings00
Roman KantserovDetroit Red Wings00
Ryan MurrayDetroit Red Wings00
Shai BuiumDetroit Red Wings00
Yegor ZavraginDetroit Red Wings00

Choix au repêchage

Année R1R2R3R4R5
Choix au repêchage conditionnel

Red Wings update

Par Mike Senske (Detroit Red Wings) Le Wednesday 15th January 2025 / 1:50pm

Detroit Red Wings GM Mike Senske made a big splash acquiring Nathan Mackinnon, and moving on from Tage Thompson, Kaapo Kakko, 2 1st round picks and a 2nd round pick. When asked about parting with the picks, Senske said to reporters - "F**k them picks, I want a cup."

Wow, what a quote from GM Senske. He is showing how serious he is about winning the championship. Mackinnon and Draisaitl will be centering their own lines, with Granlund now moving down the 3rd line after sharing time with Kaprizov and Draisaitl earlier in the season. The Wings were one of the best teams in the early part of the season, but the lack of defense has cost them big and their game plan to outscore the opponents has worn its welcome as they have slowly gone down the standings. Senske is hoping not only the addition of Mackinnon, but Alec Martinez and Erik Karlsson, can set up this team for success.

There is also an acquisition for Kiefer Sherwood in the midst of the season, when asked about this GM Senske stated "That Kiefer kid likes to hit, we love banging the body." Red Wings lead the league in hits with 1050. 



Nouveau commentaire

Canucks Look to Contend for a championship After Busy Off-season

Par Joe MacDonald (Vancouver Canucks) Le Wednesday 18th September 2024 / 8:42pm

Vancouver (CP) - After a surprisingly deep playoff run last season, Vancouver Canucks' GM Joe MacDonald made the not so tough decision to accelerate the re-tooling. with the hopes of contending for the JGHL Cup in 2024-2025.

What followed was a busy off-season that included 14 trades and a roster the GM feels has a shot at a championship.

"You still have to play the games", said the veteran GM. "But on paper we should have a team capable of finishing among the leaders in the Western Conference. One that has a chance to be legitimate title contenders."

Scoring goals shouldn't be a concern as the squad has firepower on all 4 lines. Sources close to the club predict the lines will start the season looking something like this:

Travis Koneckny - Dylan Larkin- David Pastrnak
Steven Stamkos - Mark Scheifele-Zach Hyman
Troy Terry-Charlie Coyle-Brock Boeser
Andrew Magniapane-Elias Lindholm-Sam Carrick

“We feel we have a lot of flexibility up front and you’re likely to see lots of different combinations as the season progresses”, said head coach Wayne Gretzky. “It’s a good problem to have.”

The defense also has a lot of talent, even if it lacks a bit of the experience of the forward group. “We’ve got a lot of exciting young talents on the blueline and a couple of cagey veterans to help keep things together”, said Gretzky.

Projected defensive pairings for the season opener are expected to be:

Moritz Seider-Evan Bouchard
Dylan Demelo-Brock Faber
Jonas Brodin-Martin Fehervary

The goal will be protected by veteran Jordan Binnington and youngster Logan Thompson. “We have a lot of confidence in our goaltending”, said MacDonald. “and playing behind a solid defense should make their job a little easier.”

The retooling came at a cost, as many future assets were sacrificed to build the current roster. But the GM says there’s still a lot to look forward to in the future, especially on the blueline. “Our defenseman are very talented and very young.  Bouchard, Seider and Faber are all in their early 20s and there’s a whole crop of young blueliners on the farm who will be looking for full-time JGHL roles soon”. MacDonald also said the club was excited about the acquisition the two Ivans - super prospect winger Ivan Demidov and his fellow Russian. goalie Ivan Fedotov. “We still feel our future is bright”, said MacDonald.

 As for the present, Canucks’ fans will get it’s first glimpse of the squad on matchday 2, when they open their 2024-2025 campaign on the road in Edmonton, before hosting the Tampa Bay Lightning in their home opener, 4 nights later.

Voir commentaires (2)
Chris Ralph (Quebec Nordiques) Le 23rd September / 7:49pm :

That's a nuckin' really good lineup!

Mike Senske (Detroit Red Wings) Le 1st November / 6:50am :

Canucks will be scary this year! 

Nouveau commentaire

Detroit Red Wings Historique de transactions

[1/12/25 6:20:05 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to New York Islanders : Y:2025-RND:3-DET.
[1/12/25 6:20:05 PM] - TRADE : From New York Islanders to Detroit Red Wings : Alec Martinez (67).
[1/11/25 10:51:42 PM] - TRADE : From Utah Hockey Club to Detroit Red Wings : Kiefer Sherwood (66).
[1/11/25 10:51:42 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Utah Hockey Club : Mario Ferraro (67).
[1/7/25 7:06:50 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Anaheim Ducks : Tage Thompson (72), Kaapo Kakko (63), Y:2025-RND:1-DET, Y:2025-RND:2-DET, Y:2026-RND:1-DET.
[1/7/25 7:06:50 PM] - TRADE : From Anaheim Ducks to Detroit Red Wings : Nathan MacKinnon (79).
[12/27/24 5:33:07 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to New York Islanders : Jordan Dumais (P), Y:2025-RND:1-NYI.
[12/27/24 5:33:07 PM] - TRADE : From New York Islanders to Detroit Red Wings : Erik Karlsson (70).
[11/2/24 9:26:48 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (25) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/2/24 9:26:48 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (16) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/2/24 9:26:48 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Goals (9) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[9/12/24 11:21:02 AM] - Kyle Burroughs signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 1 year(s).
[9/12/24 11:21:02 AM] - Kyle Burroughs was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[8/25/24 6:48:02 PM] - Julien Gauthier was released.
[8/25/24 6:48:02 PM] - Detroit Red Wings paid $0 to release Julien Gauthier.
[8/25/24 6:47:49 PM] - Gustav Lindstrom was released.
[8/25/24 6:47:49 PM] - Detroit Red Wings paid $0 to release Gustav Lindstrom.
[8/23/24 9:41:38 AM] - Dmitry Kulikov was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[8/21/24 11:25:41 PM] - Patrick Kane was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[8/19/24 8:07:29 PM] - Givani Smith was released.
[8/19/24 8:07:29 PM] - Detroit Red Wings paid $0 to release Givani Smith.
[8/19/24 8:07:22 PM] - Travis Boyd was released.
[8/19/24 8:07:22 PM] - Detroit Red Wings paid $0 to release Travis Boyd.
[8/19/24 8:07:15 PM] - Matt Benning was released.
[8/19/24 8:07:15 PM] - Detroit Red Wings paid $0 to release Matt Benning.
[8/7/24 5:23:31 PM] - TRADE : From Ottawa Senators to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2025-RND:5-OTT.
[8/7/24 5:23:31 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Ottawa Senators : Y:2024-RND:5-COL.
[8/6/24 10:49:34 AM] - TRADE : From Quebec Nordiques to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2025-RND:4-EDM, Y:2026-RND:4-QUE.
[8/6/24 10:49:34 AM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Quebec Nordiques : Y:2024-RND:4-DET, Y:2024-RND:4-UTA.
[8/5/24 5:28:38 PM] - TRADE : From Ottawa Senators to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2026-RND:3-OTT, Y:2026-RND:5-OTT.
[8/5/24 5:28:38 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Ottawa Senators : Y:2024-RND:2-TBL.
[8/5/24 3:05:24 PM] - TRADE : From Utah Hockey Club to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2024-RND:4-UTA.
[8/5/24 3:05:24 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Utah Hockey Club : Evander Kane (69), Riley Heidt (P), Y:2024-RND:5-VAN.
[7/31/24 3:38:29 PM] - TRADE : From Utah Hockey Club to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2025-RND:1-NYI.
[7/31/24 3:38:29 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Utah Hockey Club : Y:2024-RND:1-NYI.
[7/29/24 6:09:10 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Calgary Flames : Mikhail Gulyayev (P), Y:2024-RND:2-CGY, Y:2024-RND:3-OTT.
[7/29/24 6:09:10 PM] - TRADE : From Calgary Flames to Detroit Red Wings : Esa Lindell (71).
[7/29/24 6:08:33 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Utah Hockey Club : Marco Rossi (66), Zach Benson (63), Gabriel Perreault (P), Y:2024-RND:1-DET, Y:2025-RND:1-NYI, Y:2026-RND:3-DET.
[7/29/24 6:08:33 PM] - TRADE : From Utah Hockey Club to Detroit Red Wings : Andrei Svechnikov (70), Tage Thompson (72).
[7/29/24 5:54:29 PM] - Zach Benson was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Scott Wedgewood was released.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Ondrej Palat was released.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Matt Martin was released.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Josh Archibald was released.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Cal Clutterbuck was released.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Josh Manson was released.
[7/19/24 6:55:58 PM] - Jarred Tinordi was released.
[5/17/24 7:54:43 PM] - Griffins was eliminated at round 3 of year 2023.
[4/7/24 9:42:29 PM] - Detroit Red Wings didn't make playoff for year 2023.
[3/3/24 9:52:34 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Boston Bruins : Zach Parise (69).
[3/3/24 9:52:34 PM] - TRADE : From Boston Bruins to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2024-RND:3-OTT.
[3/3/24 9:51:12 PM] - TRADE : From Tampa Bay Lightning to Detroit Red Wings : Shayne Gostisbehere (68), Y:2024-RND:4-DET.
[3/3/24 9:51:12 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Tampa Bay Lightning : Jonas Siegenthaler (69).
[3/3/24 9:50:16 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Buffalo Sabres : Marco Kasper (50), Ruslan Khazheyev (P), Y:2024-RND:2-NYR.
[3/3/24 9:50:16 PM] - TRADE : From Buffalo Sabres to Detroit Red Wings : Frank Vatrano (68).
[3/3/24 9:45:13 PM] - TRADE : From Seattle Kraken to Detroit Red Wings : Warren Foegele (67).
[3/3/24 9:45:13 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Seattle Kraken : Y:2024-RND:3-DET.
[2/26/24 6:57:33 PM] - TRADE : From Calgary Flames to Detroit Red Wings : Leon Draisaitl (79).
[2/26/24 6:57:33 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Calgary Flames : Jack McBain (66), Jordan Staal (70), Cole Caufield (67), Will Smith (P).
[1/26/24 6:10:17 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (18) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/20/23 6:21:53 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Calgary Flames : Nico Hischier (74), Ilya Samsonov (80), Filip Hronek (70).
[11/20/23 6:21:53 PM] - TRADE : From Calgary Flames to Detroit Red Wings : Andrei Vasilevskiy (81), Kirill Kaprizov (74), Marco Rossi (53).
[11/8/23 5:59:07 PM] - TRADE : From Quebec Nordiques to Detroit Red Wings : Matt Benning (68), Y:2024-RND:5-VAN.
[11/8/23 5:59:07 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Quebec Nordiques : Nazem Kadri (70), Y:2024-RND:4-MIN.
[11/6/23 5:54:37 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Hits (34) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[10/24/23 8:21:32 PM] - Jarred Tinordi signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 1 year(s).
[10/24/23 8:21:32 PM] - Jarred Tinordi was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/13/23 9:21:08 PM] - Ryan Reaves signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 3 year(s).
[10/13/23 9:21:08 PM] - Ryan Reaves was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/13/23 8:32:50 PM] - TRADE : From Montreal Canadiens to Detroit Red Wings : Nazem Kadri (70).
[10/13/23 8:32:50 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Montreal Canadiens : Y:2024-RND:5-DET.
[10/9/23 8:50:05 PM] - Corey Perry signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 2 year(s).
[10/9/23 8:50:05 PM] - Corey Perry was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/8/23 9:16:19 AM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Calgary Flames : Shea Theodore (68).
[10/8/23 9:16:19 AM] - TRADE : From Calgary Flames to Detroit Red Wings : Jack McBain (66), Travis Boyd (66), Y:2024-RND:2-NYR.
[10/5/23 10:51:17 PM] - TRADE : From Tampa Bay Lightning to Detroit Red Wings : Mikael Granlund (68), Y:2024-RND:2-TBL.
[10/5/23 10:51:17 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Tampa Bay Lightning : Derek Grant (67), Y:2024-RND:4-DET.
[10/5/23 10:48:50 PM] - Michael Eyssimont signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 2 year(s).
[10/5/23 10:48:50 PM] - Michael Eyssimont was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/5/23 10:47:51 PM] - Vladislav Namestnikov signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 3 year(s).
[10/5/23 10:47:51 PM] - Vladislav Namestnikov was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/3/23 8:07:44 PM] - Rasmus Asplund signed with Detroit Red Wings for $500,000 for 4 year(s).
[10/3/23 8:07:44 PM] - Rasmus Asplund was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/1/23 12:31:27 PM] - TRADE : From New York Islanders to Detroit Red Wings : Zach Werenski (62), Y:2024-RND:1-NYI, Y:2025-RND:1-NYI.
[10/1/23 12:31:27 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to New York Islanders : Erik Karlsson (74).
[9/29/23 7:14:59 PM] - TRADE : From Minnesota Wild to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2024-RND:4-MIN.
[9/29/23 7:14:59 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Minnesota Wild : Antti Raanta (77).
[9/26/23 5:58:15 PM] - Derek Grant signed with Detroit Red Wings for $950,000 for 1 year(s).
[9/26/23 5:58:15 PM] - Derek Grant was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/23/23 10:36:00 PM] - Antti Raanta signed with Detroit Red Wings for $2,000,000 for 2 year(s).
[9/23/23 10:36:00 PM] - Antti Raanta was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/23/23 10:32:20 PM] - Jordan Staal signed with Detroit Red Wings for $6,000,000 for 2 year(s).
[9/23/23 10:32:20 PM] - Jordan Staal was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/23/23 10:31:45 PM] - Zach Parise signed with Detroit Red Wings for $1,000,000 for 1 year(s).
[9/23/23 10:31:45 PM] - Zach Parise was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/23/23 10:29:05 PM] - Nicklas Backstrom signed with Detroit Red Wings for $750,000 for 3 year(s).
[9/23/23 10:29:05 PM] - Nicklas Backstrom was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/14/23 8:34:42 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Chicago Blackhawks : Jamie Drysdale (52), Quentin Musty (P), Y:2024-RND:2-DET.
[9/14/23 8:34:42 PM] - TRADE : From Chicago Blackhawks to Detroit Red Wings : Erik Karlsson (74).
[9/5/23 8:32:32 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Colorado Avalanche : Thomas Milic (P).
[9/5/23 8:32:32 PM] - TRADE : From Colorado Avalanche to Detroit Red Wings : Y:2024-RND:5-COL.
[9/5/23 8:31:45 PM] - Thomas Milic has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:31:36 PM] - Tanner Ludtke has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:31:27 PM] - Olof Glifford has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:31:14 PM] - Carey Terrance has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:31:07 PM] - Coulson Pitre has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:59 PM] - Roman Kantserov has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:47 PM] - Brady Cleveland has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:39 PM] - Yegor Zavragin has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:32 PM] - Adam Gajan has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:24 PM] - Riley Heidt has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:16 PM] - Mikhail Gulyayev has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:30:06 PM] - Ruslan Khazheyev has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:29:57 PM] - Koehn Zimmer has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[9/5/23 8:04:29 PM] - Detroit Red Wings drafts Quentin Musty as the #19 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[9/5/23 8:04:18 PM] - Detroit Red Wings drafts Gabriel Perreault as the #17 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[9/5/23 8:02:34 PM] - Detroit Red Wings drafts Zachary Benson as the #6 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[9/5/23 8:02:29 PM] - Detroit Red Wings drafts Will Smith as the #5 overall pick in the Entry Draft of year 2023.
[9/5/23 7:23:00 PM] - Elmer Soderblom was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[8/30/23 6:59:42 PM] - Marco Kasper was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[8/30/23 6:54:38 PM] - Patrick Brown was released.
[8/30/23 6:54:38 PM] - Jake Muzzin was released.
[5/8/23 6:12:46 PM] - Griffins was eliminated at round 2 of year 2022.
[4/11/23 6:31:34 PM] - Detroit Red Wings didn't make playoff for year 2022.
[4/7/23 8:43:06 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (17) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[3/11/23 8:40:08 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Tampa Bay Lightning : Rasmus Andersson (72), Mikael Granlund (72).
[3/11/23 8:40:08 PM] - TRADE : From Tampa Bay Lightning to Detroit Red Wings : Jake Muzzin (68), Marco Kasper (P), Y:2023-RND:1-TBL, Y:2023-RND:2-TBL, Y:2023-RND:4-TBL.
[3/11/23 8:39:32 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Hartford Whalers : David Perron (72).
[3/11/23 8:39:32 PM] - TRADE : From Hartford Whalers to Detroit Red Wings : Josh Manson (67), Mason Appleton (64), Mads Sogaard (54), Y:2023-RND:2-HAR.
[3/7/23 6:31:50 PM] - Matt Martin was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[3/7/23 6:31:41 PM] - Josh Archibald was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[3/6/23 9:07:37 PM] - TRADE : From Washington Capitals to Detroit Red Wings : Jamie Drysdale (65), David Spacek (P), Y:2023-RND:3-WSH, Y:2023-RND:4-WSH.
[3/6/23 9:07:37 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Washington Capitals : Logan Couture (73), Tomas Tatar (66).
[3/6/23 9:05:15 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Boston Bruins : Kris Letang (76).
[3/6/23 9:05:15 PM] - TRADE : From Boston Bruins to Detroit Red Wings : Filip Hronek (66), Y:2023-RND:1-BOS, Y:2023-RND:2-BOS.
[3/6/23 6:39:03 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Chicago Blackhawks : Chandler Stephenson (72), Y:2023-RND:3-OTT.
[3/6/23 6:39:03 PM] - TRADE : From Chicago Blackhawks to Detroit Red Wings : Elmer Söderblom (P), Y:2023-RND:1-CHI, Y:2023-RND:5-CHI.
[3/3/23 8:00:05 PM] - TRADE : From San Jose Sharks to Detroit Red Wings : Mikael Granlund (72), Filip Mesar (P), Corson Ceulemans (P), Y:2024-RND:2-SJS, Y:2023-RND:3-OTT.
[3/3/23 8:00:05 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to San Jose Sharks : Jonathan Huberdeau (78).
[3/3/23 7:59:07 PM] - TRADE : From Vancouver Canucks to Detroit Red Wings : Kaapo Kakko (65), Justus Annunen (54), Y:2023-RND:3-VAN.
[3/3/23 7:59:07 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Vancouver Canucks : Connor Hellebuyck (78).
[2/3/23 6:01:56 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots (44) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[2/1/23 6:02:33 PM] - TRADE : From New York Rangers to Detroit Red Wings : Jonathan Huberdeau (78), Rasmus Andersson (72), Olli Maatta (66), Y:2023-RND:5-NYR.
[2/1/23 6:02:33 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to New York Rangers : Alexander Holtz (51), Fabian Zetterlund (62), Gabriel Vilardi (62), Filip Chytil (64), Zdeno Chara (70), Martin Fehervary (67).
[1/30/23 6:07:24 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots (40) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[1/30/23 6:07:24 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (22) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[1/30/23 6:07:24 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (14) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[1/30/23 6:07:24 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Goals (8) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[1/8/23 6:07:59 PM] - TRADE : From Montreal Canadiens to Detroit Red Wings : Chandler Stephenson (72), Alexander Holtz (51), Y:2024-RND:3-DET.
[1/8/23 6:07:59 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Montreal Canadiens : Mattias Ekholm (70), Noah Hanifin (71).
[12/30/22 8:48:59 PM] - Matt Luff was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[12/30/22 8:48:48 PM] - Dakota Joshua was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[12/28/22 6:22:36 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (18) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[12/28/22 6:22:36 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (12) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[12/13/22 6:40:33 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (17) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[12/13/22 6:40:33 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (11) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[12/13/22 6:40:33 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Goals (6) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[12/5/22 6:00:14 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (15) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[12/5/22 6:00:14 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (10) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/27/22 6:14:52 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots (38) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/24/22 6:11:21 PM] - Amadeus Lombardi has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/24/22 6:11:06 PM] - Niklas Kokko has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/24/22 6:10:53 PM] - Mason Beaupit has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/24/22 6:10:42 PM] - Jordan Dumais has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/19/22 6:07:21 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Hits (29) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/16/22 10:32:42 AM] - Patrick Brown was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/15/22 7:11:49 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (15) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/14/22 9:01:01 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (31) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/14/22 9:01:01 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (12) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/12/22 9:03:13 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (10) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 9:03:43 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (8) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 9:03:43 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots (32) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 9:03:43 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (13) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 9:03:43 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (8) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 9:03:43 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Goals (5) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Hits (22) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Penalties Minutes (4) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots Blocked (9) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Shots (27) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Points (9) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Assists (6) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:45:57 PM] - New Record for Team's Most Goals (3) in 1 Game for Detroit Red Wings!
[11/10/22 6:41:51 PM] - TRADE : From Montreal Canadiens to Detroit Red Wings : Mattias Ekholm (70), Nico Hischier (71).
[11/10/22 6:41:51 PM] - TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Montreal Canadiens : J.T. Miller (78), Y:2023-RND:3-DET.
[11/5/22 9:39:10 PM] - Artemi Kniazev was released.
[11/5/22 9:39:10 PM] - Detroit Red Wings paid $0 to release Artemi Kniazev.
[11/3/22 9:37:23 PM] - Team Name Change : Wolverines changed name to Griffins
[11/3/22 9:37:05 PM] - Wolverines hired Darren McCarty for $500,000 for 8 year(s).
[11/3/22 9:37:00 PM] - Detroit Red Wings hired Steve Yzerman for $500,000 for 8 year(s).
[11/3/22 8:40:26 PM] - DMITRI BUCHELNIKOV has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/3/22 7:44:13 PM] - Ryan Murray was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/3/22 7:28:49 PM] - Donovan Sebrango has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/3/22 6:42:55 PM] - Zdeno Chara was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[11/3/22 6:33:25 PM] - Artemi Kniazev was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/31/22 6:31:39 PM] - Shai Buium has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/31/22 6:22:30 PM] - Givani Smith was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/30/22 10:14:09 PM] - Julien Gauthier was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/30/22 10:09:37 PM] - Sammy Blais was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/30/22 9:58:01 PM] - Cross Hanas has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/30/22 9:47:52 PM] - Carter Mazur has been added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/28/22 10:31:10 PM] - Scott Wedgewood was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/28/22 10:16:28 PM] - Tomas Tatar was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/28/22 9:58:13 PM] - Gustav Lindstrom was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/28/22 9:56:05 PM] - Ondrej Palat was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/26/22 6:51:16 PM] - Aliaksei Protas was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/26/22 6:48:30 PM] - Fabian Zetterlund was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/25/22 6:39:14 PM] - Cal Clutterbuck was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/25/22 6:38:31 PM] - Max Comtois was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/25/22 6:27:10 PM] - Jaden Schwartz was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/24/22 3:27:17 PM] - Nick Blankenburg was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/24/22 2:33:30 PM] - Filip Chytil was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/24/22 2:32:52 PM] - Stuart Skinner was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/22/22 6:09:16 PM] - Cody Glass was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/22/22 6:04:30 PM] - Michael Rasmussen was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:57:23 PM] - Jonas Siegenthaler was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 331 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:57:23 PM] - Jonas Siegenthaler was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:57:08 PM] - Gabriel Vilardi was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 330 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:57:08 PM] - Gabriel Vilardi was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:51:39 PM] - David Perron was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 287 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:51:39 PM] - David Perron was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:51:27 PM] - Ross Colton was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 286 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:51:27 PM] - Ross Colton was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:45:03 PM] - Logan Couture was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 243 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:45:03 PM] - Logan Couture was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:44:31 PM] - Ilya Samsonov was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 242 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:44:31 PM] - Ilya Samsonov was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:37:49 PM] - Martin Fehervary was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 199 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:37:49 PM] - Martin Fehervary was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:37:14 PM] - Mario Ferraro was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 198 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:37:14 PM] - Mario Ferraro was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:29:08 PM] - Evander Kane was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 155 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:29:08 PM] - Evander Kane was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:28:56 PM] - Connor Hellebuyck was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 154 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:28:56 PM] - Connor Hellebuyck was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:17:48 PM] - Noah Hanifin was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 111 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:17:48 PM] - Noah Hanifin was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:17:12 PM] - Shea Theodore was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 110 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:17:12 PM] - Shea Theodore was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:10:16 PM] - Kris Letang was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 67 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:10:16 PM] - Kris Letang was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 3:09:35 PM] - Cole Caufield was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 66 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 3:09:35 PM] - Cole Caufield was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 2:57:11 PM] - Brady Tkachuk was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 23 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 2:57:11 PM] - Brady Tkachuk was added to Detroit Red Wings.
[10/21/22 2:56:36 PM] - J.T. Miller was picked by Detroit Red Wings as the 22 overall pick in the fantasy draft.
[10/21/22 2:56:36 PM] - J.T. Miller was added to Detroit Red Wings.

[1/27/25 8:34:47 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/26/25 7:01:16 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/25/25 5:45:01 PM] Game 568 - Michael Rasmussen from Detroit Red Wings is injured (Herniated Disc) and is out for 3 weeks.
[1/24/25 8:28:54 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/21/25 9:49:00 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/21/25 6:23:37 PM] Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Mikael Granlund of Detroit Red Wings (4-5-9) / 2 - Dylan Cozens of Toronto Maple Leafs (4-2-6) / 3 - Wyatt Johnston of Calgary Flames (3-3-6)
[1/16/25 8:11:51 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/15/25 5:45:50 PM] Pro Game #522 - Kirill Kaprizov from Detroit Red Wings has scored a Hat Trick!
[1/15/25 5:45:39 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/14/25 6:30:45 PM] Olli Maatta(Detroit Red Wings) cleared from waivers and was sent to down farm.
[1/13/25 6:14:32 PM] Auto Lines Partial Function has been run for Detroit Red Wings.
[1/13/25 6:14:32 PM] Auto Roster Function has been run for Detroit Red Wings.
[1/13/25 6:14:32 PM] Warren Foegele of Detroit Red Wings was sent to farm.
[1/13/25 6:14:32 PM] Auto Roster Partial Function has been run for Detroit Red Wings.
[1/13/25 6:14:17 PM] Olli Maatta of Detroit Red Wings was sent down to farm.
[1/13/25 6:14:14 PM] Detroit Red Wings placed Olli Maatta on waivers.
[1/13/25 8:47:15 AM] Detroit Red Wings are expected to be over the salary cap by $250,000!
[1/13/25 8:46:48 AM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/12/25 6:20:25 PM] Detroit Red Wings are expected to be over the salary cap by $250,000!
[1/12/25 6:20:08 PM] Detroit Red Wings are expected to be over the salary cap by $250,000!
[1/12/25 6:20:05 PM] TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to New York Islanders : Y:2025-RND:3-DET.
[1/12/25 6:20:05 PM] TRADE : From New York Islanders to Detroit Red Wings : Alec Martinez (67).
[1/12/25 6:17:08 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/11/25 10:51:42 PM] TRADE : From Utah Hockey Club to Detroit Red Wings : Kiefer Sherwood (66).
[1/11/25 10:51:42 PM] TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Utah Hockey Club : Mario Ferraro (67).
[1/8/25 5:35:50 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/7/25 7:06:50 PM] TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to Anaheim Ducks : Tage Thompson (72), Kaapo Kakko (63), Y:2025-RND:1-DET, Y:2025-RND:2-DET, Y:2026-RND:1-DET.
[1/7/25 7:06:50 PM] TRADE : From Anaheim Ducks to Detroit Red Wings : Nathan MacKinnon (79).
[1/7/25 7:05:51 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/3/25 5:49:51 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[1/1/25 5:44:00 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/31/24 5:46:41 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/28/24 6:17:24 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/27/24 5:33:07 PM] TRADE : From Detroit Red Wings to New York Islanders : Jordan Dumais (P), Y:2025-RND:1-NYI.
[12/27/24 5:33:07 PM] TRADE : From New York Islanders to Detroit Red Wings : Erik Karlsson (70).
[12/23/24 10:25:54 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/22/24 6:37:36 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/17/24 6:16:46 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/16/24 8:33:19 PM] Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Andrei Svechnikov of Detroit Red Wings (4-5-9) / 2 - Jesper Bratt of Chicago Blackhawks (5-4-9) / 3 - Bo Horvat of Chicago Blackhawks (3-5-8)
[12/11/24 9:54:06 AM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/9/24 6:46:41 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[12/5/24 7:18:29 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/29/24 7:28:58 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/25/24 8:57:55 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/23/24 5:48:30 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/22/24 7:24:54 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/18/24 7:18:05 PM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/15/24 8:34:11 AM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .
[11/11/24 9:06:51 PM] Last 7 Days Pro Star : 1 - Brad Marchand of Boston Bruins (4-3-7) / 2 - Kirill Kaprizov of Detroit Red Wings (3-5-8) / 3 - Auston Matthews of Boston Bruins (1-7-8)
[11/8/24 8:55:10 AM] Successfully loaded Detroit Red Wings lines done with Web Base Client from IP: .

Michael Rasmussen est dehors pour 2 semaines à cause de Herniated Disc Injury.

Detroit Red Wings Leaders statistiques des joueurs (saison régulière)


Detroit Red Wings Leaders des statistiques des gardiens (saison régulière)


Detroit Red Wings Statistiques de l'Équipe de Carrière


Detroit Red Wings Leaders statistiques des joueurs (séries éliminatoires)


Detroit Red Wings Leaders des statistiques des gardiens (séries éliminatoires)